Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Before & After

Before: Spare Bedroom
After: Spare Bedroom

Before: Bathroom

After: Bathroom

After: Living Room (now its tan and rusty/terracotta)
Before: Living Room (yes it was PINK)

The house is starting to look like our own. While we took possession of the house on June 30th, we have little to nothing moved in yet. For the past 2 weeks, Shane has been tackling the jungle of a backyard, and Molly has been painting, painting, and painting. She is now starting to sand the hardwood floors and reseal them with polyurethane. After all of this is done, we will start moving in the furniture. Keep your fingers crossed for Saturday, July rain and lots of extra muscle.
But I thought we would give you a sneak peak of the changes inside so far.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! I'm so excited for you. Hopefully I can come visit after you get settled. Also, I need your new address. Good luck with the big move. I'll be hoping for good weather for you.