Saturday, September 20, 2008

Molly & Shane do Cabela's

So we are traitors. Today we traveled the hour or so to Prairie du Chien to go to Cabela's. I have never been there before but the ad looked promising. I got a cute new fleece and Shane got a new safety harness to prevent any deer hunting accidents. We documented the trip with a picture. Sorry Gander...but I crossed the line of retail. But as far as selection goes, I think I'll stick with Gander for clothes!

Shane's Birthday Party

Shane and I have hosted the first official bash at the Kane house. We have gotten everything unpacked, hung, decorated and cleaned. Then it was time to relax and party! We invited our friends and family from around Dubuque, lit a fire in the back yard and ate til we were uncomfortable. I cooked all day and we had brats, dogs, mac-n-cheese, onion barghji's, tzatziki, dips and salsa. the dubuquers were skeptical of the food but jumped in and tried everything. i think we found some new tzatziki fans!!!
There were also lots of babies. They all met and curiously poked at each other. Above is Cole and Brynn figuring out fingers. Wish everyone could have been here but there will be more entertaining events at Kane St house. Shane really loved his b-day gifts. We pitched in to purchase him a new office chair and I found the most wonderful moose head to go on the wall. Shane wasnt too impressed with my hunting skills since the moose head is INFLATABLE!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Kane House

Well Shane and I have finally unpacked our things and have begun to settle in. We quickly filled this two story, 3 bedroom with a full basement. But none of you are surprised since most of you helped us load it into the UHauls. The house was painted for us before we moved in and we love the neutral tans, and greens. We cannot wait for guests, I have the guest room already set up for whoever wishes to come first.
Shane starts work at his new job today. He will be working second shift for a local metal manufacturing company. He is looking forward to the change and the new coworkers. Molly is keeping busy at NICC. With 7 classes there is a lot to juggle from week to week but she is finding it quite rewarding and the time flies by.
Well enjoy the pictures of the new house and start making plans for a visit....